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Pipo Technology Co. Ltd. 최근 회사 사건 W16 N100 16/256GB windows11 pro OS firmware link
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W16 N100 16/256GB windows11 pro OS firmware link


최근 회사 사건 W16 N100 16/256GB windows11 pro OS firmware link

Here are W16 N100 16/256GB windows11 pro OS firmware link:







Here is the instruction for reboot the OS system.

1. you need one desktop to download all of file in Above link. and open it .
2. prepare new USB disk, names as WINPE, and change the format as FAT32.

최신 회사 사례 W16 N100 16/256GB windows11 pro OS firmware link  0

3. Move the zip open files to the new disk. have to copy all file to USB disk
4. Use the PIPO pc connect with keyboard, and the USB disk.


최신 회사 사례 W16 N100 16/256GB windows11 pro OS firmware link  1



5.open the PIPO tablet,use keyboard press F7, choose the usb DISK file, and press ENTER
6.when you press enter button on step 5,it means the w10 are on reboot.it spend 10mins . when it reboot finsh you take off the U disk and keybaord,then the system it is ok.no have any password.

최신 회사 사례 W16 N100 16/256GB windows11 pro OS firmware link  2







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